You may have seen a sage smudge stick before, and you may be wondering what on earth is all this woo-woo stuff on here today?! I’m here to tell you that these simple DIY sage smudge sticks are my new favorite way to clear the energy in a room at home. They’ve been used for centuries by the Native Americans for healing, meditation, protection and relaxation. Sure, the first time you go around the house with a burning smudge stick you may cause a few eyebrows to raise. But this easy, all natural and ancient tool to purify the air is a great way to “recharge” your space this month.
How does it work, you ask? The burning sage is said to remove the air of negative energy and impurities. You simply light the end of your sage smudge stick and let it burn until it smokes. And when the fumes start to point in one, uniform direction, you can move onto a different room to “smudge” the air there too. Needless to say, the sage sticks also offer a calming herbal scent that is all natural, uplifting and utterly intoxicating.
You can make your own DIY sage smudge stick using bundles of both dried and fresh herbs and flowers. I found that it was easier (and prettier) to make mine with fresh ingredients this week as the stems and leaves were more pliable and bendable. Find a simple three-step tutorial to make your own DIY sage smudge sticks below! Truly, MKR
Step One…Gather your ingredients. I used dried white sage, fresh lavender, fresh cedar (leftover from the holidays) and fresh rosemary. The beauty of a DIY smudge stick is that you can add any herb or flower that you enjoy; fresh or dried.
Step Two…Next you’ll want to layer your herbs and flowers, with the bases/stems all at the same level.
Step Three…Simply bind it all together with cotton twine that is long enough to wrap around your bundle a few times. You’ll want to take care to wrap in stray stems to keep it all together as you criss cross the twine and tie it back at the base.
For best results, let your DIY smudge sage stick dry (upside down) for at least 2-3 weeks so that the herbs can properly dry out before burning.