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This Week I…

Filed Under > Uncategorized

top entertaining blogs…am still in shock over the fact that Better Homes & Gardens, the Better Homes & Gardens, one of my favorite mags, has named me and our little ol’ blog one of their Top 10 Entertaining Blogs.  Seriously?!  And I mean could I be in any better company?  Such great gals and blogs…love ya Freutcake!  Thank you BHG, I’m truly honored!

…fell in love, and ordered this dress from TopShop.  You had me at stripes.

…signed on to partner with Wilton throughout the year to bring you an obscene amount of  frosted and sugary treats your way so get ready.  

…began the process to find the perfect scent thanks to Commodity Goods.  They send you different scents to try out for ten days, trying out a new one each day.  After the trial period you choose the one that works best with your body chemistry, then order the full size bottle of that scent.  I mean seriously such a genius concept since I’ve more then once bought a bottle I thought was amazing only to get it home and wear it and realize it just doesn’t work.  Plus it helps that the packaging is simple and gorgeous.

…added tons of new items to The Shop including oversized matches which are already almost sold out and lots of new paper goods.  These notebooks are by far my fave.

…heard that one of my favorite lines is launching a skincare division.  

…started prepping for the 39 x 43 pop up shop I’ll be taking part in later this month.  For one short weekend I’ll be bringing the Shop to life and along with gifts and home decor galore I’ll also be bringing some friends, or rather furniture with me (Society Social).  So you know those bar carts and colored chairs you’ve been eyeing…well Atlanta Loves you’ll be able to test drive them out and take them home along with any other WOM goodness of course.  So mark your calendars for the 22nd-23rd a formal invite to follow.

…loved Domestikated Life’s whiskey party on SMP Living.

…turned the page to a new chapter in WOM’s journey.  One that involves taking on the roll of Editor at Large for Occasions Magazine.  As you know I’ve been involved with Occasions for quite some time now creating shoots and working with so many talented Creatives at the magazine and in the Atlanta area.  So when Heather tapped me to help grow their online presence and continue my work with the print editorial shoots I was filled with a mix of honor, shock, excitement, and a little bit of fear.  But after many conversations, and long night talks with myself, God and my husband I said yes.  So what does all this mean exactly?  Nothing will change for WOM or for the contributing and partnering I do with other brands, magazines and websites.  Also this does not mean I am running into the bridal world and not looking back.  Occasions, while yes driven by bridal, is all about celebrating and entertaining in style.  Something I believe in whole heartedly.  I’ll be working hard to bring new, fresh and original content to their website, making it truly an inspirational destination along with pushing the boundaries of my editorial work.  If we’re not growing we’re dying right?  Along for the ride will of course be Rustic White and a whole slew of talent.  This will not happen overnight, and we’re just now starting to lay the groundwork for what I hope will be a very exciting journey I’ll take you all on.  And with that being said I would love to hear from you, the audience. What kind of content would you like to see more of on Occasions?  What can we do better?  What are we doing that you love?  I want t0 know it all so please let me know below your thoughts because I’m listening Loves!  truly, MKR     


A Spring Spruce Up

stepping into spring with ebay
Filed Under > Get The Look

With pollen season in Atlanta officially behind us, I’m ready to throw open my doors and welcome spring with open arms.  You see spring is my favorite season. There’s something just so fresh and renewing that comes with spring.

For me, along with welcoming warmer weather spring is also about spring cleaning and sprucing up my home.  I spend at least three weekends going through my entire house and taking stock of what I have. Donating what I no longer love.  Organizing what I do. And freshening up the spaces I live in most.

While this is a spring time ritual for me, this year it was fun to partner with Ebay to invite spring into my most lived in room during eBay’s”liven up your living room event.”

I love shopping with Ebay because I’m able to find those new, trending pieces I crave and also vintage pieces I love adding to my collection. Plus did you know that 68% of items on eBay ship for free?!?!

To freshen and lighten up my living room I added a few new items and switched up a few old.  I folded up and put away my heavier blankets and throws until next season and replaced them with more appropriate ones like this and this.  I also snagged a great seagrass basket to store them all in along with pillows at the edge of my sofa.

I updated my coffee table with a new vintage found vase from Italy filled with the mascot of spring, tulips.  And while I wasn’t searching for him, I couldn’t turn down this brass turtle.  I mean how adorable is he perched on my favorite coffee table books!

While I never believe you can have too much greenery, that thought never rings more true than in spring.  So along with the tulips I added a topiary in a bright green vase.  The combo really makes the room come alive, and topiaries are so easy to care for.

Lastly, I added a few additional calligraphy brushes to round out my collection and complete my coffee table.  Which coincidentally I got from Ebay years ago.

These few simple changes really spruced up the space and made it feel like spring had arrived both inside and out.  Truly, MKR


This post is in collaboration with Ebay, a brand I love and adore. All opinions are 100% my own. | Photography Rustic White Interiors

The Create Series: Honeycomb Studio

An Exclusive Behind-the-Scenes Look at an Atlanta Small Batch Ceramics Studio
Filed Under > Everyday

Homemade ceramics studio tour via Waiting on MarthaHoneycomb small batch ceramics via Waiting on Martha Honeycomb Studio interview via Waiting on MarthaHomemade ceramics from Honeycomb Studio via Waiting on Martha Honeycomb Studio interview on Waiting on Martha Honeycomb Studio founder Courtney Hammill interview on Waiting on Martha Handmade small batch ceramics from Honeycomb Studio Honeycomb Studio via Waiting on Martha Handmade small batch ceramics studio via Waiting on Martha Honeycomb Studio via Waiting on MarthaSmall batch ceramics Honeycomb Studio interview on Waiting on MarthaHoneycomb Studio via Waiting on MarthaHoneycomb Studio via Waiting on Martha

Feast your eyes, friends, on the pretty that is Honeycomb Studio.  We recently had the privilege of getting an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at this local Atlanta gem: a small batch ceramics studio that produces countless stunning, handmade porcelain sculpture designs that we’re proud to feature in our Shop (and we can’t keep them on our shelves!).  Each piece is made one-at-a-time, meaning no two pieces are alike, which makes them that much more special in our eyes. 

We’ve been thrilled to follow Honeycomb Studio founder Courtney Hamill’s much-deserved and growing success, spotting her beautiful work around the web and on industry favorites like Lonny and Southern Living. In today’s installment of The Create Series, we sat down with Courtney to talk shop, learn about her personal creative process, hear about her upcoming plans for Honeycomb Studio and more. Read on, below!  Cheers, Kat

WOM: We’re thrilled to share your story today; you’re such an inspiration as both a creative and small business owner! Please take us through your professional journey.
I discovered ceramics a bit later in life than some others. I grew up in a school with a very limited and traditional arts curriculum and, as such, wasn’t exposed to sculpture or 3D art until college. I took an introductory wheel class as an elective my junior year in college and was hooked. I took every studio class they would let me until I graduated a year later. There’s something very visceral about pottery – your hands almost itch to be in clay.

When I graduated from college, I worked as a full time apprentice to a well-known ceramicist, Donna Polseno, but soon had to return to the world of the 9-5 for all of those normal adult reasons (health insurance, etc.). I spent the next 7 years building a successful career as a non-profit fundraiser. I always regretted walking away from pottery, but the idea of leaving a stable job to become a studio artist seemed unwise. In the spring of 2012, I had taken a job that wasn’t the right fit for me and, in assessing my options, decided that now was the time to take a leap and pursue a dream. I won’t say it was an easy decision, but the timing felt right and I knew I could always go back to work if ceramics didn’t work out. I’m happy to say that I’ve never looked back.

WOM: When did you realize that Honeycomb Studio had “made it”? Was there one moment when you realized this was all going to be a hit, or were there a bunch of little moments?
I’m not sure that I’ve ever been able to relax enough to say that Honeycomb Studio has “made it”, but there are two moments that stand out in my mind that made me think that my crazy plan to build a pottery studio might be working. The first was a feature article in Southern Living that effectively legitimized my career move to my entire family (and probably to the Southeast) and the second was an email from a buyer with Liberty of London saying they wanted to offer my Antler Series to their customers. It was amazing to be that people/companies on that scale were taking note of the work coming out of my 200 square foot studio.

WOM: Have you had a mentor/any piece of advice that’s really stuck with you on your journey?
HS: Creatively speaking, I get immense comfort/inspiration from two quotes that essentially say the same thing: “Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working” – Pablo Picasso, and “
Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work.” – Chuck Close. They remind me that being an artist is WORK, which might not seem very sexy, but it frees me from the idea that I have to walk around in a haze of creative ideas all the time to be a good artist. No. Sometimes you’re not feeling it just like everyone else, but just like everyone else, you get your ass in that studio, make work and see where it takes you. It takes a lot of the existential pressure off, especially when I feel like my creative well is running a bit dry. Work begets art and there’s no way around it.

WOM: This past year especially, we’ve seen Honeycomb Studio really take off. How has balancing motherhood been so far with your success?
I’m flattered that you think I’m balancing anything, haha. The first thing I have to say is that I don’t do this alone. I have an amazing studio team working all week long to fill wholesale orders and keep our firing and production on track. My studio manager, Sarah Beth, has been with me for three years and can pretty much run with studio without me, which leaves me more time to grow the business side of things and create new designs. I also spent most of last year getting Honeycomb Studio ready to run without me during the busiest time of the year (Christmas) while I was on maternity leave, so the systems that I put in place for that have been immensely helpful. Mostly, though, I would say that I’m still working on “balance”, and wonder if there really is such a thing for a small, creative business owner. I had illusions of bringing Leo, my 5 month old, to the studio with me every day and living the maker/mom dream, but I discovered pretty quickly that I couldn’t be productive that way. I had to look long and hard at my goals for Honeycomb Studio and what “being a good mom” meant for me and I’m still in the process of figuring those things out. In the meantime, I’m just trying to have grace for myself and remember that it’s all one big learning process.

WOM: Where do you find inspiration for your stunning and completely unique pieces?
I never know where inspiration will come from, so I try to keep my eyes open. For me, inspiration comes mostly from the form. If I find a modern form with clean lines that appeals to me, I start there and find that the designs will come next. It’s kind of an “I know it when I see it” kind of thing. I do try not to look too much at what my fellow ceramicists are doing so that I’m not overly influenced by their work. I do my best to draw from outside of that pool.

WOM: What’s your process for creating new pieces/collections?
I usually start with a general idea of something I want to make, be it a candle stick, a plate, or a vase, and then I start to look around for a clean form that appeals to me. Sometimes this is a bottle I find in a thrift store, sometimes it’s a form that inspires me in a magazine that I then play with in the studio. I try not to get too caught up on what I want the finished product to look like and try to take one step at a time – determine the form, add any carvings/alterations, play with glazes/luster designs – and see where that takes me. The fact that I tend to work with a very limited color palate helps narrow down the endless options, as well. I have learned to be flexible, because sometimes the glazes or forms don’t behave as you expect them to during high temperature firings, and it’s nice to be able to work with those unexpected elements, rather than start over from the beginning. It’s a fun process if you can train yourself not to be too ridged.

WOM: Is there a specific way you like to fill your “creativity tank”? 
Being around people who love what they do is a never ending source of inspiration for me. They don’t even need to be creatives, just be excited about whatever it is that gets you out of bed and that rubs off on me. Of course, if you’re doing exciting creative work, all the better! I find that the artistic pursuits that have the biggest effect on me are very different from the kind of thing I do all day: modern dance, installation art – that weird stuff just electrifies me and I can’t wait to get back in the studio and make new stuff.

WOM: Have you dealt with any copy cats? 
HS: Luckily, I haven’t yet. I think ceramics are a little harder to rip off than paper goods, jewelry or something like that, just because of the specific materials needed (good luck finding a kiln). I would like to think though, that unless it was a big company ripping off my designs, I wouldn’t get too hung up on it. Even if someone copied my bud vases, for example, they will never be as good as the vases that I make, simply because they are an imitation. Of course, to make a profit off of someone else’s designs is rude and inexcusably lazy, but that just means the copy catter is not a real threat. I have a million ideas and they had to steal the one that they “had”, so while infuriating, they’re not a real creative threat. This philosophy might be a little obnoxiously zen, but like I said, I’ve never actually dealt with the issues so who knows how I’ll feel when push comes to shove.

WOM: What are your tips to others starting out on the same path as you did? 
First, I would say get some semblance of a business plan. That’s not a sexy answer, but making a living as an artist is a huge challenge and you have to have more of a plan than “I’ll just open an etsy shop and see what happens”. If you’re not going to do it full time, by all means, see where your etsy shop takes you, but the plan needs to be a little more robust if you’re going to pay the bills. Second, I would say to put some thought into what success looks like to you and if the answer is having your work in every store in America (or something grand like that), put some thought into how to scale your handmade whatever to fill large orders. You can be doing it all yourself at first because we all do, but I am here to tell you that trying to fill an order for 1500 handmade candles by yourself, even if it is for Anthropologie or something awesome like that, is NOT what you want to find yourself doing. If you’re successful, great opportunities will come along and it’s good to have at least an idea of how much you can handle and what it would mean to handle more.

WOM: We LOVE that you’ve introduced lighting to the mix and have enjoying seeing it become the big success that it is. What’s next?
Oooh I’m so excited! I can’t say yet, but we’re in the middle of designing a totally new line to debut this fall and I can say that 1) I’ll finally have a product that no one asks “it’s pretty, but what do you do with it?”, and 2) these are pretty traditional items that everyone has in their home. I’ve also been working on some collaborations with some great local companies like Heirloomed and Holly Beth Organics, so stay tuned for that too.

WOM: Has there been anything you’ve been dying to take to market and didn’t? Has anything failed that you’ve had your heart set on? 
HS: I really wanted to offer our Antler Series as mounted wall hangings, but I could never really figure out the logistics of working with wood + metal as I wanted to. I have some ideas, but could never really make it work. Oh well, maybe one day




Photography, Kathryn McCrary for Waiting on Martha

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