Young Living Budgeting Tips for Essential Oils & More

Essential Oils on Waiting on Martha

There’s no arguing that the quality of Young Living Essential Oils goes unparalleled.  You know what they say; you get what you pay for.  And that rings true with these pure, therapeutic grade essential oils that are really the cream of the crop.  

But with that quality may come a little stress and confusion about the best way to stock up on oils on a budget.  Through our experience, the best way to discover and enjoy essential oils is by signing up with the Essential Rewards loyalty program.  Below, we’ll teach you our best Young Living budgeting tips. 

What is Essential Rewards? 
Essential Rewards, or ER, is a loyalty program by Young Living that helps you earn commissions, get discounted shipping and more.  When you’re signed up for ER, you can earn back 10-20% in points each month to put towards future purchases when you hit 100 PV, which means product value.  This is also the only way to make commissions if you are interested in building a business through Young Living. 

The beauty of Essential Rewards is that you can change your monthly order each and every month.  You can also change the ship date each time!  This makes your monthly delivery extremely customizable for you and your household. 

How can I best benefit from Essential Rewards, without breaking the bank?!
The easiest way to do ER on a budget is to switch over and buy products you normally would from other stores like Target and Amazon.  This way, you’re not adding to your monthly household budget!  You’ll receive free points back on all of these Young Living purchases, which you can then use for more essential oils and nontoxic YL products.  

Consider your grocery shopping list; think about the items you can now get through Young Living like vitamins, protein powder, probiotics, cleaning supplies, deodorant, face wash, moisturizer, etc. 

Here are a few of our favorite things that we now get through YL instead of Target: Thieves Laundry Detergent, Thieves Dish Soap, Thieves Automatic Dishwasher Detergent, Thieves Toothpaste & Mouthwash, shampoo and conditioner, body soap and bar soap, face wash and moisturizer, kids’ soap and shampoo, wellness products like Energy Support and Ningxia Red, as well as animal care products for our furry friends!  Not to mention, Young Living even has healthy food products like Wolfberry Crisp Bars, Pure Protein Complete powder and more. 

How do I sign up for Essential Rewards?
Visit your virtual office at and follow these steps:
1. Click on Essential Rewards
2. Add products (does not have to be a package, order anything you like each month)
3. Pick ship date (you can change this every single month)
4. Click save until it says “Congratulations you have completed your Essential Rewards order.”
5. You can cancel anytime! 

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