Every year, we hop in the car and drive north to my aunt’s house for an amazing Thanksgiving dinner. Though my Turkey Day plans find me away from home (and without a fridge full of leftovers afterwards), I wouldn’t trade them for the world. It’s always such a treat to visit with family around my aunt’s table, even long after we’ve finished our delicious food and the plates have been cleared.
I’m sure there are many of you like me on Thanksgiving day, and I think talking about dinner guest etiquette is just as important as sharing the tips for hosting the feast itself (check out our Field Guide if you’re hosting!). A lot goes into this day, so showing that you appreciate your hosts’ hard work and tasty menu goes a long way.
I’ve included six ways to be a gracious dinner guest in the slideshow above, and yes that includes offering to help in the kitchen, but not pushing it! Sometimes being a gracious guest means simply accepting that glass of wine and having long-overdue chit chat while you wait on the turkey. Cheers, Kat