We have the tendency to dive right into wellness topics here—some well known and some not so well known. Everyday mind-and-body wellness is something both MKR and I are both passionate about learning and always improving upon. But sometimes we need to take a step back and get back to the basics.
See, I can talk to you for hours about purple plates, mushroom coffee and nootropics I’m currently trying at home, but I can also forget simple healthy daily habits just like the rest! So today I’m slowing down and revisiting six easy things that we should all be doing every day.
From changing the way we think about multi vitamins thanks to Ritual Vitamins, getting back to setting a bedtime, and to taking the time to get outside and enjoy some fresh air in those new kicks, these healthy habits should become so in-grained in your routine that they don’t even feel like to-do’s anymore. That’s the goal, right?! But let’s discuss; what do you struggle with every day?
I can sometimes forget to drink enough water if I’m on the go or somewhere new. I also forget the simple power of walking around the block outside to get the juices flowing and give my mind a breather! Not to mention how often I find myself reaching for my phone even when I shouldn’t be. Is there anything you’d add to this list? Tell us about your healthy habits in the comments below. Cheers, Kat