So I’ve been on a bit of a bender. Like a sugar, carb, wine, exercise-whats-that? bender. And while I kind of live for those type of moments (don’t judge) I always know whats on the other side of that throw-caution-to-the-wind attitude. Detox.
Truthfully, I’m a juicer. I have been before it was “cool.” I’m one of those equal part french fries and wheat grass kind of gal. But when I tip the scales too far into the fried side of things I know what will get me back on track…my Vitamix and Hurom juicer (you can even do wheat grass in it). Well that and no processed sugar, no gluten, and no dairy for two weeks. And while it may sound miserable to some, by day three I promise you’ll feel amazing. Like 10 years younger, my skin looks ridiculous amazing.
Now I don’t just juice. Typically I juice until dinner for a few days or juice for breakfast and dinner but have a healthy lunch. Just enough to cleanse and get me back on track and remind my body that “hey, I love being healthy.” So my Loves the next two weeks I’ll be focusing a lot on healthy habits. Don’t worry the cocktails and sugary treats will back in no time, but for now I wanted to share the three juices that are on my current rotation, all from the new book Juice It! And I’d love to know, what are some of your healthy habits? truly, MKR
*All images original to Waiting On Martha